About us
- Who we are
- Our market position
- Our history
- Our culture and values
- Our financial performance
- Our business units
- Our structure
- Our strategy
- Contacts and head office
- Our view on sustainability
- Our brand
Corporate Governance
- Our corporate governance charter
- Leadership
- Risk governance
- Articles of association
- General meetings
- Related party transactions
Investor Relations
- Shareholder information
- Analysts and consensus
- Our investor relations office
- Key financial information and targets
- Ratings
- Information on KBC Bank
- Reports
- Debt issuance
- KBC in the debt capital markets
- KBC Group
- KBC Green Bond
- KBC Social Bond
- KBC Bank
- Home Loan Invest
- Information on KBC Insurance
- Presentations
- Market outlook
- Next upcoming events
- events 2023
- Credit update, Toronto-Chicago
- Credit update, Toronto-Chicago
- ECBC Conference, Porto
- Fig Conference, Paris
- Fig Conference, Paris
- Fig Conference, Madrid
- Yankee Fig Conference, New York
- Annual ESG FI virtual event
- Debt Capital Markets Conference, Amsterdam
- Debt Conference, Frankfurt
- Credit update 1Q2025, Europe
- Credit update FY24 results, London
- Yankee Conference, London
- Credit update 1Q2025, Europe
- events 2023
Corporate Sustainability
- Our approach of corporate sustainability
- Setting rules and policies
- Our partners
- Making it work (governance)
- Increase our positive impact on society
- Reporting
- Behaving responsibly and ethically at KBC
- Corporate Sustainability Contacts
- Sustainability presentations
- Climate Report September 2022
- KBC receives the Terra Carta Seal
- Euronext includes KBC in new BEL ESG stock market index
Working at KBC
- Our ambition
- Our people strategy
- Our vacancies
- Our culture
- We develop talents
- Diversity
- Our people
- Hybride werken bij KBC
- Johan Thijs
- John Hollows
- Erik Luts
- Luc Popelier
- Rik Scheerlinck
- Christine Van Rijsseghem
- Kurt De Baenst
- Ilya Vercammen
- Dominique Agneesens
- Lucas Albrecht
- Martijn Schelstraete
- Alain Bostoen
- Katelijn Callewaert
- Koenraad Debackere
- Sonja De Becker
- Franky Depickere
- Frank Donck
- Vladimira Papirnik
- Theodoros Roussis
- Marc Wittemans
- Matthieu Vanhove
- Liesbet Okkerse
- Erik Clinck
- David Moucheron
- Peter Andronov
- Alicia Reyes Revuelta
- Aleš Blažek
- Ben Verlinden