A propos de nous
- Qui sommes-nous
- Notre position sur le marché
- Notre historique
- Notre culture et nos valeurs
- Notre performance financière
- Nos divisions
- Notre structure
- Notre stratégie
- Contacts et siège central
- Notre conception de la durabilité
- Notre marque
Gouvernement d'entreprise
- Notre charte de gouvernance d'entreprise
- Leadership
- Gouvernance des risques
- Statuts
- Assemblées générales
- Transactions avec des parties liées
Investor Relations
- Informations aux actionnaires
- Analystes et consensus
- Notre département Investor Relations
- Chiffres financiers clés et objectifs
- Ratings
- Informations relatives à KBC Bank
- Rapports
- Emissions de titres dette
- KBC Groupe
- KBC sur le marché obligataire
- KBC Bank
- Principales émissions perpétuelles de titres de créance KBC Bank
- KBC Bank Residential Mortgage Covered Bonds Programme
- KBC Bank Warrant Programme
- KBC Bank EUR 5,000,000,000 EMTN Programme
- KBC Bank and CBC Banque Warrants and Hedging Options Programme
- Overview of issues KBC Bank and CBC Banque Savings Certificate Programme
- Home Loan Invest
- KBC Green Bond
- KBC Social Bond
- Informations relatives à KBC Assurances
- Presentations
- Presentations 2025
- Presentations 2024
- Presentations 2023
- Presentations 2022
- Presentations 2021
- Presentations 2020
- Presentations 2019
- Presentations 2018
- Presentations 2017
- Presentations 2016
- Presentations 2015
- Presentations 2014
- Presentations 2013
- Presentations 2012
- Presentations 2011
- Presentations 2010
- Presentations 2009
- Presentations 2008
- Presentations 2007-2006
- Perspectives des marchés
- Next upcoming events
- events 2021
- FY 2020 / 4Q 2020 Pre-earnings blackout-period
- FY 2020 / 4Q 2020, Publication of result
- FY 2020 / 4Q 2020, Roadshow, London
- Roadshow, New York
- Debt: Credit update, London
- Roadshow, Boston
- Speeddating event, Nordics
- Speeddating event, Nordics
- Roadshow, Dublin
- Roadshow, US W Coast
- Roadshow, US W Coast
- Roadshow, US W Coast
- Roadshow, Edinburgh
- Debt: Credit update, Frankfurt
- Roadshow, Vienna
- Roadshow, Asia
- Roadshow, Asia
- Roadshow, Asia
- Roadshow, Netherlands
- Roadshow, Luxembourg
- Conference, London
- Roadshow, Milan
- Roadshow, Frankfurt
- Annual Report 2020
- 1Q 2021 Pre-earnings blackout period
- Roadshow, Toronto
- ESG-CSR virtual roadshow
- Roadshow, Montreal
- Annual General Meeting
- 1Q 2021 Publication of result
- 1Q 2021 Roadshow, London
- Roadshow, Munich/Stuttgart
- Debt: Credit update, Paris
- Conference, Brussels
- Conference, New York
- Conference, Berlin
- ESG-CSR virtual roadshow
- Conference, Paris
- 2Q 2021 Pre-earnings blackout period
- 2Q 2021 Publication of result
- 2Q 2021 Roadshow, London
- Roadshow, London
- Roadshow, US Midwest
- Roadshow, US Midwest
- Roadshow, US Midwest
- Conference, London
- Roadshow, Stockholm
- Roadshow, Copenhagen
- Roadshow, Paris
- ESG-CSR virtual roadshow
- Roadshow, Madrid
- Roadshow, Frankfurt
- 3Q 2021 Pre-earnings blackout period
- Roadshow, Middle East
- Roadshow, Middle East
- 3Q 2021 Publication of results
- 3Q 2021 Roadshow, London
- Roadshow, Geneve
- Roadshow, Zurich/Lugano
- Roadshow, Paris
- Roadshow, New York
- Roadshow, Boston
- ESG-CSR virtual roadshow
- Debt: Credit update, Milan
- Debt: Credit update, Germany
- Debt: Credit update, Madrid
- Debt: Credit update, Paris
- events 2020
- Roadshow, London
- Roadshow, New York
- Roadshow, Boston
- 3Q 2020, Publication of results
- Strategy update
- 3Q 2020 Roadshow, London
- Roadshow, Edinburgh
- Debt: Credit update, Germany
- Debt: Credit update, Germany
- Roadshow, Paris
- Speeddating Debt event, Southern Europe
- Roadshow, Copenhagen
- Roadshow, Madrid
- 3Q 2020 Pre-earnings blackout period
- Roadshow, London
- Conference (virtual meetings)
- Roadshow, Geneve (virtual meetings)
- Roadshow, US Midwest
- Roadshow, US Midwest
- Roadshow, US Midwest
- Roadshow, Zurich (virtual meetings)
- Roadshow, London
- Roadshow, Stockholm
- Financial Forum Debt, Nordics
- Publication of results
- 2Q 2020 Roadshow, London
- 2Q2020 Pre-earnings blackout period
- Conference Goldman Sachs
- Annual General Meeting
- 1Q2020 Publication of result
- 1Q2020 Roadshow, London
- Debt: Credit update (virtual meetings)
- Debt: Credit update (virtual meetings)
- Debt: Credit update (virtual meetings)
- Annual Report 2019
- 1Q 2020 Pre-earnings blackout period
- Roadshow, New York
- Debt: Credit update, Amsterdam
- Roadshow, Vienna
- Roadshow, Boston
- Roadshow, Munich/Stuttgart
- Roadshow, Toronto
- Roadshow, Frankfurt
- Roadshow, Montreal
- Roadshow, Paris
- Roadshow, London
- FY 2019 / 4Q 2019 Publication of results
- FY 2019 / 4Q 2019 Roadshow, London
- Debt: Credit update, Helsinki/Stockholm
- Roadshow, Dublin
- Debt: Credit update, Copenhagen
- FY 2019 / 4Q 2019 Pre-earnings blackout period
- events 2022
- events 2023
- FY 2022 / 4Q 2022 Publication of results
- FY 2022 / 4Q 2022 Roadshow, London
- FY 2022 / 4Q 2022 Pre-earnings blackout period
- Roadshow, Milan
- Credit update, Toronto-Chicago
- Credit update, Toronto-Chicago
- ECBC Conference, Porto
- Fig Conference, Paris
- Fig Conference, Paris
- Fig Conference, Madrid
- Yankee Fig Conference, New York
- Annual ESG FI virtual event
- Debt Capital Markets Conference, Amsterdam
- Debt Conference, Frankfurt
- Credit update 1Q2025, Europe
- Credit update FY24 results, London
- Yankee Conference, London
- Credit update 1Q2025, Europe
- events 2021
Durabilité de l'entreprise
- Nos règles et politiques
- Notre stratégie de durabilité
- Nos règles et politiques
- Nos partenaires
- Gouvernance en matière de durabilité
- Renforcer notre impact positif sur la société
- Rapporter
- Nous comporter de façon responsable et éthique
- Personnes de contact Durabilité
- Sustainability presentations
- Climate Report September 2022
- KBC reçoit le Sceau Terra Carta
- Euronext inclut KBC dans le nouvel indice boursier BEL ESG
Travailler chez KBC
- Notre ambition
- Notre stratégie pour notre personnel
- Offres d'emplois
- Notre culture
- Nous développons les talents
- Diversité
- Notre personnel
- Hybride werken bij KBC
- Johan Thijs
- John Hollows
- Erik Luts
- Luc Popelier
- Rik Scheerlinck
- Christine Van Rijsseghem
- Kurt De Baenst
- Ilya Vercammen
- Dominique Agneesens
- Lucas Albrecht
- Martijn Schelstraete
- Alain Bostoen
- Katelijn Callewaert
- Koenraad Debackere
- Sonja De Becker
- Franky Depickere
- Frank Donck
- Vladimira Papirnik
- Theodoros Roussis
- Marc Wittemans
- Matthieu Vanhove
- Liesbet Okkerse
- Erik Clinck
- David Moucheron
- Peter Andronov
- Alicia Reyes Revuelta
- Aleš Blažek
- Ben Verlinden