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Information on accounts that have closed or transferred

How to get in touch with a query

Information on Data Protection

Information for Deposit Customers receiving a Goodwill Payment

Information for KBC Bank Dublin Deposits

Managing Your Debt

Exicon DAC (formerly KBC Bank Ireland DAC)
Exicon DAC (in Liquidation) is registered in the Republic of Ireland. Number 40537 Registered Office: Deloitte House, 29 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, Dublin 2, D02 AY28

KBC Bank NV Dublin Branch Regulatory Status
KBC Bank NV is a public limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Belgium, with a registered office at Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels, Belgium. KBC Bank NV carries on a banking business in Ireland through a branch registered with the Companies Registration Office under Part 21 of the Companies Act 2014, KBC Bank NV Dublin Branch, with registration number 904213 and a registered office at Scotch House, 6-7 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2, D02 VK44, Ireland. KBC Bank NV Dublin Branch is licenced by the National Bank of Belgium in Belgium and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland for conduct of business rules.