Investor Relations Contacts

Our Investor Relations team
Our Investor Relations team provides the investment community with the information they need by means of press releases, quarterly financial statements, annual reports, presentations, prospectuses, website and so on. This is supplemented by direct communication with financial analysts, credit rating agencies, shareholders and investors via e-mail, group presentations, analyst conference calls and one-on-one meetings around the world.
At the same time, Investor Relations monitors the relevant trends on the equity markets and the markets’ perceptions of and expectations with regards to the KBC Group. By doing so, it ensures that investor feedback is communicated to the Group executives.
Located in KBC’s Brussels Head Office, the Investor Relations Office reports to the Group Chief Financial Officer.
- Send an e-mail to along with your contact details (name, job title, contact data).
- Printed copies of KBC's annual report (in English, Dutch or French) or our quarterly reports are available on request.
- We are also available to provide other shareholder information (including information within the meaning of the Belgian Royal Decree of 14 November 2007).
KBC Team (KBC Live)
- KBC Live : +32 (0)78 353 137
KBC Group
Investor Relations Office
Havenlaan 2 - IRO
B - 1080 Brussels
mail to (*)
(*) This e-mail address is reserved for analysts and investors, as well as for shareholders and holders of other securities, to communicate about their shares or securities that have been issued by KBC Group NV and KBC Bank NV.
Other useful contacts
You are interested in …..
- KBC Bank NV's debt issues: contact our New Issues Desk:
- KBC’s retail products or activities in Belgium:
- Job vacancies at KBC in Belgium:
Last update: 23-04-2024