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Responsible behaviour


Responsible behaviour is the basic layer of our sustainability strategy.  Only in this way can we gain and keep the trust of our stakeholders.  

The responsible behaviour of our employees is therefore the foundation of everything we do. This, of course, goes further than merely following applicable rules, regulations and corporate policies. It includes individual integrity, competence and open communication, complemented by a sound risk awareness.

The way we view and define responsible behaviour is also strongly rooted in our corporate culture and values. This drives us to behave in ways that are:

Respectful: we treat everyone equally. We are transparent. We trust others and appreciate them for who they are and what they do.

Responsive: we are open to different ideas and we respond to suggestions and questions spontaneously and positively.

Result-driven: we do what we promise and meet our objectives. We deliver quality and do so on time and in a cost-effective way.

We have put in place several initiatives and training to raise awareness of responsible behaviour, both at group level and on a local level. This includes professional integrity, providing suitable advice to clients and dilemma training