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Vladimira Papirnik


  • Born in 1956, in Kolin, Czech Republic
  • Holds a Juris Doctor Degree (Northwestern University (US), 1982) and a combined Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in German and German Literature (Northwestern University (US), 1978)
  • Career: 1982 -1989: finance lawyer at the Hopkins & Sutter law firm in Chicago; 1989 – 1995: partner in Hopkins & Sutter; in 1996 she joined the law firm of Squire Sanders as a partner; 1996 – 2011: managing partner of the Prague office of Squire Sanders; from 2011 to June 2017 she was senior partner at Squire Patton Boggs (formerly Squire Sanders) in both Prague and Chicago, focusing her international business practice on banking, project finance and corporate law (mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance), she retired as of July 2017; 1999 – 2008: member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Czech Republic; she was member of the Board of Trustees of the International School of Prague and head of its corporate governance committee for four years; she was also member of the Board of Trustees of the CMC School of Business for three years.
  • In the BoD of KBC Group: Non-executive director; Independent director; Member of the Audit Committee; Member of the Risk and Compliance Committee; Member of the Nomination Committee