Currently in Arrears

I need help with my KBC Mortgage

We have a specially trained Arrears Support Team which works with customers to find solutions to their financial difficulties. Our promise is that we will work with you and all our customers in financial difficulty to find sustainable solutions, always being clear and fair in our communications and dealings and always mindful and respectful of your individual circumstances.
If you want to talk to someone, you can call us on 0818 93 02 35.

Engage with KBC

It is never too late to engage with KBC, we are here to help no matter what stage you are at. It is important that you contact us immediately so we can start to work together to find a solution. We wish to stress the importance of active engagement and co-operations between you, as the borrower, and KBCI, as the lender, in dealing with, or averting a financial difficulties situation.

Our four step process to help you

Bank of Ireland has a four step process to help you if you fall behind in your mortgage repayments or if you are at risk of falling behind. This is called our Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP) and is part our obligations under the Central Bank of Ireland’s Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears (July 2013). Read the 4 Steps for more detail.

What happens next?

  1. We will notify you of the details of the arrangement in writing.
    This is known as the Letter of Variation (LOV) which you will need to read carefully.
  2. You will need to review the LOV.
    If you are satisfied with the terms of the offer all parties to the mortgage will need to sign and return the LOV to KBCI. This will enable us to put the arrangement in place for you.

NOTE: The LOV is an extremely important document and you must read it thoroughly, sign it and return the signed copy to KBCI if you are satisfied with it. We recommend that you seek advice when reviewing the LOV.

Exicon DAC (formerly KBC Bank Ireland DAC)
Exicon DAC (in Liquidation) is registered in the Republic of Ireland. Number 40537 Registered Office: Sandwith Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

KBC Bank NV Dublin Branch Regulatory Status
KBC Bank NV is a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Belgium, with a registered office at Havenlaan 2, 1080 Brussels, Belgium. KBC Bank NV carries on a banking business in Ireland through a branch registered with the Companies Registration Office under Part 21 of the Companies Act 2014, KBC Bank NV Dublin Branch, with registration number 904213 and a registered office at Sandwith Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. KBC Bank NV Dublin Branch is licenced by the National Bank of Belgium in Belgium and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland for conduct of business rules.