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Corporate governance charter

The Belgian Code on Corporate Governance (the ‘Code’), seeks to ensure transparency in corporate governance by requiring every listed company to disclose information in two separate documents: the Corporate Governance Charter and the Corporate Governance Statement in the annual report.

Corporate governance charter

The Charter sets out the main aspects of a company’s corporate governance, such as its governance structure, the internal regulations of the Board of Directors, its committees, and the Executive Committee, together with other important topics.


Corporate governance statement in the annual report

The Statement in the annual report contains more factual information regarding the company’s corporate governance, including any changes to it and any relevant events that took place during the year under review. It also provides reasons for any non-compliance with the Code.  The Charter sets out the main aspects of a company’s corporate governance, such as its governance structure, the internal regulations of the Board of Directors, its committees, and the Executive Committee, together with other important topics.

KBC Group NV has adopted the 2020 version of the Belgian Corporate Governance Code as its benchmark.

Last update: 09-01-2025